
How to uninstall skype for business from pc
How to uninstall skype for business from pc

how to uninstall skype for business from pc

3] Silent-uninstall using a custom config Reboot your computer to completely remove Skype for Business from your computer. Search for ‘ Skype‘ and make sure that you select all the found entries in the Registry Editor and hit the Delete button. Open Control Panel and select Skype for Business > Uninstall. Uninstall Skype for Business like any other software on your computer. This will clear all the user profile cache for the Skype for Business account and will disable the auto sign-in when the application opens. Select the button that says Delete my sign-in info. Make sure you sign out of the application. That’s it! 2] Using the ControlPanel & Registry Editor Uncheck Automatically start the app when I log on to Windows and Start the app in the foreground option.You can disable Skye for Business and prevent it from startup as follows: Silent-uninstall using a custom config.Uninstall using the Control Panel & Registry Editor.The following methods have worked effectively to disable or completely uninstall Skype for Business from Windows 10: We have already seen how to uninstall the Skype app – now in this article, we will be checking some working methods to uninstall Skype for Business. This feature can sometimes become troublesome for some and hence, they might want to disable or completely uninstall Skype for Business from Windows 11/10.

how to uninstall skype for business from pc

For this, it runs a number of services in the background and keeps running in the background even when closed using the X button. Skype helps you proactively stay connected to your peers.

How to uninstall skype for business from pc